Climbing into a body
I once had a flash of insight, although someone reading this might call it a flash of something else. But what occurred to me was based on being a so-called soul in a body. I found myself wondering if more than one soul could be in a body. I’ll write about that some other time, because I first need to tell this story, which sets some context.
As I recall, I was relaxing in what some people might call a meditative state. Spontaneously and without any pre-thought or warning, I had a memory. And frankly, it was something I’d never even thought about before.
I was floating above my body, but it was my new body. And I was in an energetic state, fully aware, and also cognizant of what was about to happen. Which was, I began filling up the physical body.
It was like water filling up a container except I was the water, pouring myself in. I ‘filled’ from the feet up, and had a clear and deliberate sensation of filling in all the openings and crevices. Starting at the feet, I filled in the calves, then the knees. It was all over in well under thirty seconds. Probably more like ten seconds. Once in, I was immediately taking in my new surroundings, so to speak.
“Oh, okay,” I said to myself as I was kind of stretching and exerting myself. Getting a sense of things. “This feels alright. I can work with this.”
It was though I had slid behind the wheel of a car at the new car dealer and was trying out the comfort and fit. Although in this case, it was clear that this was a body, and that there weren’t any others being offered for me to ‘try on.’