I agree with your points, and add the following for consideration.
One reason class warfare is being so overwhelmingly won by the rich and powerful is this: they are a smaller group, they have fewer central issues to unite around, and they are consequently easier to unite. Of course, wealth and control of the message helps.
On the 99% side of the table, what you’re proposing is top-down change agent strategies. In my opinion, we also need bottom up… even more so than top down. I’ve oversimplified this by suggesting we find singular, powerful, literal, keywords upon which to unite. Keywords that are so undeniably spot on that they work for both the Red Church and the Blue Church. But focused on things like #fairness.
We’ve had them in the past, and they worked: #liberty #freedom #justice #equality. #occupy was an attempt at this. But we need a major refresh.
Simplify the message. A message so clearly and utterly true that no one can deny it.