I write a great deal on the topic of consciousness.
It’s hard for a layman like me, or perhaps anyone for that matter, to be taken seriously on the topic. Because consciousness is a loaded term.
It’s a term that triggers us to think of touchie-feelie, New Age psychics and mediums, or Timothy Leary and psychedelic tripping. We ignore the calmness of our Joseph Campbells, instead preferring unhinged religious rants against yoga and fearful, superstitious sneering about the devil’s free-wheeling demon possessions.
Inside our own heads, in our infrequent quiet places, we focus on those kinds of echo chambers, don’t we? The thoughts which amp up our personal and collective fears and anxieties, which in turn rear up whenever we first start thinking more freely, more independently.
Consciousness is a deeply loaded word, and far too easy to hijack. Even in the worlds of quantum physics, psychology and philosophy, the use of ‘that’ word sends shudders through their academic mainstreams.
And, yes, I use the word myself. And yes, improved awareness and deeper consciousness is the goal. But in baby steps.
So all that being said, I think we are better off finding and using powerful, readily identifiable keywords, words that have undeniable universal appeal.
What are some words that work? Words that could appeal to both sides of the aisle? Words that work in the Red Church, the Blue Church or in no church? Words that could ignite a profoundly healthy and deeply sustainable revolution?
Single, powerful words.