Identifying the tipping point
“The longer I do this, the clearer it becomes that there isn’t actually any separation between the struggle of our species to find a sane way of operating on this planet, and the struggle of the individual to find inner peace. It’s all one unified network…”
It seems clear that this connection is being underestimated, if not dismissed.
For example, it doesn’t take a revolt by every single cell in our body to get cancer. It doesn’t take the failure of our entire body to have heart disease or high blood pressure. These examples convincingly suggest that human bodies have tipping points.
It seems entirely reasonable, therefore, to entertain the notion that the same holds true for the so-called greater human body.
In this sense, each of us is an individual cell in the greater human body. It probably doesn’t take all that many cells of unified higher consciousness to tip the balance in the greater body. How many? I have no idea. But one thing’s clear: In this higher-level model, divisiveness works against us.
In summary, we might call this premise a working model of a practical, everyday life Unified Field Theory.