So Brandon, is it not reasonable to ask how the entrepreneurs can manage this ‘consciousness reboot’ without redefining their core mission statements?
Because once we start talking about consciousness and its related fields, we automatically start digging away at the more fundamental aspects of the human OS. Because it’s all interrelated. And that poses substantial challenges, because most investors do not yet have the capacity to fund so-called esoteric endeavors.
Don’t get me wrong… I personally love the notion, so much so that I’ve founded a monastery to support it. But, it seems to me that we’ve not yet matured our rationalizations for a ‘deeper conscious awareness’ in a manner that will get people’s attention on an epic scale.
What we get instead, in our current entrepreneurial models focused on consciousness, are meditation apps, or the latest Silicon Valley zen trend (which runs along for a bit and then sputters out), or maybe the vague promise of somehow remapping consciousness through something like micro dosing.
The uncomfortable truth is that the process of opening up human consciousness implies some pretty serious corresponding societal changes. Which clearly includes addressing our current funding strategies.