Thank you, Paul Ellis. Your comment is insightful, and means a great deal to me. I’d like to share a couple things with you.
We are quietly preparing to go after funding, which will likely mean setting the monastery up as a non-profit. In preparation for that, I’m developing a website, which will do a better job of explaining and organizing. Our writing, however, will remain on Medium.
My initial concept for the funding effort is to gather several strategic partners and create a team, possibly including a major university which has several scholars who are champions of consciousness research.
My brother’s Great River Institute will also be a partner. Don’t be fooled by their somewhat nondescript website. He has extraordinary facility with respect to consciousness.
You have said several things that have caused my ears to stand-up, and I think this may all be of interest to you.
To get funding for a monastery is a big lift. But if we can put a compelling team together, as well as a compelling narrative, we may have a chance.
In my opinion, one aspect of creating a good team is having a set of talented and insightful writers. With funding there may even be opportunities to get paid modest fees. Who knows? But the point is, a big part of raising consciousness is actually telling people how it’s being done. That takes a unique type of writer.
Anyway, if any of this is interesting to you, please let me know.