The weirdness of deeper consciousness
Call it what you will: deeper consciousness. But the weird thing about it is that it not only exists but that it defies logic.
This thing, this ‘certain something’, is like a quiet lake. You’ve never seen it before, yet somehow you know it’s just over that wooded rise you’re walking toward. You top the rise, and there it is. And when you finally see it, you instantly recognize its familiarity. How can something so long hidden be so warmly familiar?
Lies and deception yield in the face of deeper Truth. They whither, not so much because they are declared the loser in some kind of debate. No, it’s more like when rot on a decayed vine turns to dust under the heat of a bright sun. Deception and greed simply can’t stand the sun. This is how Truth defeats darkness.
We need a Movement. But it has to be a Movement unlike any other humanity has ever experienced.
It’s a Movement unifying our personal lives with our school, work and social lives. It’s a Movement ending divisiveness by ending our inner separations. It’s millions of people allowing the inner to shine through the outer. There’s nothing more powerful than the ultimate power.
In the context of an older way of saying this…
There is light within a person of light, and it lights up the whole world. If It does not shine, it is dark.” Gospel of Thomas, Saying 24
And the thing is, while to some this may sound hocus-pocus… don’t fall for so transparent a trap. There’s far too much evidence of an inner world to swallow the false promotions that such things don’t exist or that they’re irrelevant in today’s hip, technological blaze.
You are the decider, not someone else. Your intuition and experiences are the only verifications you need. These are the teachings of Emerson, of the ancient sages, of today’s quiet mystics, of meditation, of judicious drug experiences, and of cutting edge quantum physics.
Unify the inner with the outer. And the best way to realize that is to practice unifying in all areas of your life, in as many situations and relationships as possible.
“Practice makes perfect” simply means that the road to so-called perfection is a journey of practice.